• Collection of gymnosperms
  • Collection of foreign deciduous plants
  • Collection of plants of natural flora
The collection of gymnosperms occupies an area of ​​3.2 hectares and contains 50 taxa from 5 families and 8 genera: Pinaceae (Pine) - genera pine, spruce; Cupressaceae (Cypress) - juniper, platycladus, thuja; Taxaceae (Yew) - Yew, Ginkgoaceae (Ginkgo) - ginkgo and Ephedraceae (Ephedra) - ephedra.

The introduced species were mainly obtained from the botanical gardens of Tashkent and Almaty and represent the flora of North America (8 species), Central and Middle Asia (8 species), the Caucasus, Western Europe (8 species), southeastern China, and the Far East (6 species).
The area of ​​the collection of foreign deciduous plants is 8.9 hectares and is represented by 321 taxa from 64 genera and 29 families.

Of these, the most numerous genera are: Cotoneaster - 32 species, Barberry (Berberis) - 25 species, Hawthorn (Crataegus) - 22 species, Rosehip (Rosa) - 16 species, Honeysuckle (Lonicera) - 16 species, Maple (Acer) - 11 species, Lilac (Syringa) - 10 taxa (6 species, 4 varieties), Buckthorn (Rhamnus) - 8 species, Viburnum (Viburnum) - 6 species. Most species of foreign deciduous woody plants are representatives of North America (55 species), Middle and Central Asia (122 species), Western Europe - (60 species), the Far East - (49 species).
The composition of the natural flora includes 87 species, hybrids and forms from 27 families and 44 genera, including comb (Tamarix - 12 species and hybrids), Zhuzgunum (Calligonum - 4 species), Saxaul (Haloxylon - 2), Russian olive (Elaeagnus - 3), Saltpetraria (Nitraria - 2), Mulberry (Morus - 2), Onion (Allium - 3), Iris - 3 species, Ephedra (Ephedra - 2), Licorice (Glycyrrhiza - 2), Zhester (Rhamnus - 1), Turanga (Populus - 1), Chingil (Halimodendron - 1) and others (Appendix 4), attracted at different times from the flora of the Mangyshlak Peninsula and the Ustyurt Plateau, the vicinity of the Amu Darya River, Emba, from Karakalpakstan, Turkmenistan, and also from three regions of Western Kazakhstan (Atyrau, Aktobe, West Kazakhstan). Basically, all species of the collection are representatives of Central Asia, Iran and China.
  • Collection of fruit plants
  • Collection of climbing plants
  • Collection of flower and ornamental plants
The collection of fruit plants occupies an area of ​​2.5 hectares and includes 60 species and forms and 67 varieties of fruit plants, including 39 species and 24 varieties of apple, 14 species and 6 varieties of pear, 3 species and 17 varieties of apricot, 11 species and 9 varieties of cherry and plum, 2 species and 1 variety of currant, 7 varieties of grapes, 14 varieties of strawberries, as well as wild species of almonds, quince, peach (Persica Mill.), shadberry, black chokeberry

By geographical origin and distribution, the collection is dominated by species of Southeast Asia (China, Japan) - 41%. Species with wide ranges (Crimea, Caucasus, Central and Southern Europe, Asia Minor) - 24%, Central Asian species - 19.5%. Species of Primorye and the Far East - 7%, the same number of species (7%) found only in culture. About 4.5% of species are from North America (chokeberry, golden currant).
The collection of climbing plants (woody lianas) on an area of ​​0.5 hectares contains 57 taxa from 10 genera, representing 7 families (Grapaceae, Ranunculaceae, Euonymaceae, Lunospernaceae, Bignoniaceae, Kirkazinaceae and Lastoneaceae).

The most fully represented genera are Grape (7 species) and Vineyard (5 species). The most promising plants in the Grape family are species from the Grape genus: coastal, rocky, gray, maiden, five-leaved; from the Euonymus family - round-leaved tree plier; from the Ranunculaceae family - clematis vine-leaved; from the Bignoniaceae family - rooting campsis.
The collection fund of floral and ornamental plants is represented by more than 510 species, forms and varieties of annual, perennial and bulbous plants from 89 genera belonging to 36 families.
  • Daylilies
  • Rose garden
  • Rose garden
  • Tulips
The collection includes 146 varieties of roses belonging to 8 garden groups, of which: hybrid tea - 92, floribunda - 32, grandiflora - 6, polyantha - 1, miniature - 2, climbing - 8, semi-climbing - 3, border - 2.
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